A Zest for Life & Paint: The Art of Anna E. Keener
A Retrospective Exhibition and Sale held in conjunction with the Birger Sandzèn Memorial Gallery
May 13 - July 9, 2016
David Cook Galleries: 1637 Wazee Street, Denver
OPENING RECEPTION: May 12th 5:30 - 8pm
Including a special talk by Cori North, Curator of the Sandzèn Memorial Gallery.
click here to email us to request more information about this special event. RSVP Requested
The Sandzen Memorial Gallery in Lindsborg, Kansas, is presently displaying 50 works by Anna Keener. In May, the exhibition will travel to Denver and the majority of the pieces, as well as approximately twenty additional works, will be made available for purchase through David Cook Galleries.
As a companion to the exhibition, a catalog is available. Click below to view the online catalog or click here to purchase a printed copy via our ebay store.
Individual works will be posted to our website and a price list will be available May 12th
About Anna Keener:
A painter, printmaker, avid student and educator Anna Keener was born in Flagler, Colorado and raised in Texas. She attended Bethany College in Lindsborg Kansas as a student and assistant of Birger Sandzen. She received a Bachelor of Fine Art degree in 1916 and a Master of Arts degree in 1918. Keener developed a regionalist style with impressionist influence with apparent guidance of her teacher with whom she credits as her finest teacher. During World War II Anna worked as a clerk for the Navy in Detroit whilst attending evening classes at the Detroit School of Design. Once the war ended she taught in Arizona and Kansas. During this time she continued her art education attending night classes at the Kansas City Art Institute. In addition to her artistic and academic endeavors she authored the book 'Spontaneity in Design' in 1923. In the mid-twenties she took time off to raise a family returning to the classroom in the thirties. She studied in Mexico City in 1941 and 1942. Soon there after she began teaching at Eastern New Mexico University, Portales. Keener remained at the university for twelve years becoming the head of the art department. Eventually Keener settled in Santa Fe where she concentrated solely on her art.
Awards: Bronze Medal for Graphic Arts, Midwestern Artists’ Exhibition, 1922; Honorable mention for Graphic Arts, Midwestern Artists’ Exhibition. 1923.
Exhibited: Annual Exhibition of Texas Artists, Dallas Woman's Forum, 1927; Annual Texas Artists Exhibition, Fort Worth, 1927; Southern States Art League Annual Exhibition, 1930; Painters and Sculptors of New Mexico, Santa Fe, 1949-1950; Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe (prize), 1953; Springville Museum of Art, Utah, 1957; Tucson Art Festival, Arizona, 1958; Sandzen Memorial Gallery, Lindsborg, Kansas,1959 one-woman.
Memberships: American Artists Professional League; American Federation of Arts; Art of America Society; Artists Equity; International Institute of Arts and Letters; National and New Mexico Art Education Associations; Southern States Art League; and Western Art Association.
Works Held: Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery, Lindsborg Kansas. Sul Ross State University, Alpine Texas; Panhandle Plains Historical Museum, Canyon Texas; Texas Historical Society; Museum of FIne Arts and New Mexico State Library, Santa Fe New Mexico; Santa Fe Library; Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico; Fred Jones Museum, University of Oklahoma, Norma Oklahoma. San Francisco Public Library.
©David Cook Galleries, LLC