Untitled (Walpi Pueblo, Arizona), circa 1980s
mixed media,
25 ¾ x 31 ¾ inches
Reference: 28187
Church in Leadville (Colorado), 1938
mixed media,
12 ¼ x 19 inches
Reference: 17919
Colorado Mining Town, Early Sunday Morning, circa 1930-1950
16 x 19 ½ inches
Reference: 28337
Untitled (Abstract Expressionist Composition in Yellow, Blue Red and Black), 1959
20 x 16 inches
Reference: 13415
Conference in an Upside Down World, 1990
30 x 40 inches
Reference: 22161
Edward (Eduardo) Chavez 1917-1995
Untitled (Burning Bush) bronze,
16 ½ x 7 x 11 inches
Reference: 26634
Group of 5 (w/multiple titles), 1987
23 x 17 ½ inches
Reference: 26855