Untitled (Sketch for Mural)
23 ½ x 16 ¼ x ¾ inches
Reference: 25899
James Russell Sherman 1906-1989
Estes Park (Colorado), 1938 watercolor,
10 ½ x 16 ½ inches
Reference: 25490
Clouds in the Rockies, 1939
12 ½ x 16 ½ inches
Reference: 25542
Yacht Races (Grand Lake, Colorado); 23 of 25, 1933
13 ¾ x 9 ¼ inches
Reference: 24660
Central City (Colorado), 1933
15 x 9 ½ inches
Reference: 25539
The Three Fates Thinking Mysterious Thoughts, 1987
18 ¼ x 24 inches
Reference: 22308
Angelo Di Benedetto 1913-1992
Untitled (Modernist Portrait) ceramic,
1 ¾ x 7 x 9 ½ inches
Reference: 28201
Nude with Winter Bouquet; 11/30, 1972
aquatint etching,
11 ¾ x 17 ¾ inches
Reference: 24527
Untitled (Cabin in the Mountains)
14 ½ x 21 ¼ inches
Reference: 28439
Untitled (Modernist Trees), circa 1940
22 ¾ x 14 ¾ inches
Reference: 24873