Pair of Classic Period Dress Halves
Navajo (Dine),
circa 1875
wool with natural dyes
50 ½ x 34 ½ inches
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Two Navajo Dress Half textiles made circa 1875 with finely woven wool and dyed with natural dyes of cochineal red, indigo blue, and natural dark brown. The panels are almost identical in design, with a stepped cross-motif along both upper and lower red panels, and a field of brown in the middle. One textile measures 49 ¼ x 33 inches, and the other measures 50 ½ x 34 ½ inches. Hanging side by side as seen in image, outer dimensions measure 50 ½ x 69 ½ inches.
ex Collection Cindy Tietze-Hodosh and Stuart Hodosh