

David Cook Galleries welcomes you to submit quality American art for an information evaluation and consultation.

Since 1979, David Cook Galleries has been relied upon by sellers seeking to upgrade, liquidate or alter the focus of their collection. David Cook Galleries consigns/purchases individual items as well as entire collections and estates. The gallery sells on a consignment basis as well as purchases outright. If you are interested in selling your item(s), we ask that you start by submitting images and information via this form. Please note: the gallery does not evaluate works created after 1980 or works that are outside our area of focus.

If you are seeking an appraisal, please click here to visit our APPRAISALS page.

If you would like to discuss the work you are interested in selling, We are also available by phone at 303.623.8181 Tueseday through Saturday, 10:30am - 6pm.  Messages are checked regularly outside our hours of operation.

All information received is held in strict confidence.


  • Paintings and 2-Dimensional art: include image(s) of the back of the piece with details of any notations, signatures or labels
  • An image or scan of any documentation which accompanies the piece including bill of sale, appraisal, letters or other information that pertains to the history/origin of the artwork.
  • Maximim file size of each image is 2mb.  If you have additional files or are unable to re-size your images, please fill out the form without emails and notate the issue in the comments section.  We will reply with the correct email address to send the images to.

Contact Information:

Please attach digital image, if available. We accept jpg, gif, psd, and bmp files. Larger files will take longer to upload.

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png bmp psd.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png bmp psd.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png bmp psd.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png bmp psd.

Artwork Information: (please include as much of the following information as possible)

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